The New Site Is Live!

      Can I tell you how happy I am to have this checked off my list! I first contacted Carly at Playful Pickles Designs over a year ago. Even though it would mean a waiting list of about a year, I knew she was who I wanted for the project. It's now been 5 months of discussion, design, redesign, approvals, and tweaking. I get clients all the time who worry, worry, worry about if I can translate their vision to a portrait. I've never had to be on the other side. I need to give Carly many, many thanks for taking my ideas and breathing it to life. I know it seemed liked the modifications were never going to end, but she was quick to respond and always made me feel like I was her only customer. The new look is more in line with my work. I have a few more pages/links that are still being created, but take a look around, tell me what you think, and I hope you'll come back often. Oh, and don't forget we are now at:

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