A Whole Bunch of Nothing [Phoenix, Mesa, Gilbert Professional Photographer]

               I'm not sure who, what, where, when, why, or how.... but we decided that during this years school fall break, we needed to do a whole bunch of nothing. Even the kids were on board for a nice drive to a place that had no internet, no tv, and even cell service was spotty. We called it a re-grouping of sorts. Simple time together as a family to be outside, eat, and play games. No one was ready to come back to reality and the boys are still talking about it! We arrived to the first snow of the season and it was refreshing! 

Doing nothing with Gramma!

 We drove to Sunrise hoping to see some fall colors and rode the ski lift to the top.

 While on the chair lift, we goofed around and decided to take a picture of each other taking a picture of each other. Did that make sense???

This made for a perfect hot chocolate moment.

 We took our time on the way home. I think we stopped at every scenic lookout.

We can't wait to do it again! If you are interested in renting the cabin in Pinetop, let me know and I will put you in touch the owners. 

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