Melissa Jill- MJ2Day part 2 [Phoenix, Mesa, Gilbert Professional Photography]

     There's MORE from Melissa Jill? You bet! There's a whole day I haven't covered. If you missed Day 1 you can see it here. Day 2 was more of the business aspects of running a photography business. This is where many photographers need a little more help. I have some opinions on workshops, but maybe I'll share that as a post on it's own. There was plenty of freebies, food, and giveaway's. I mostly love that Melissa held nothing back... she was an open book. It's rare these days in the photography cut-throat competition to have someone so willing to have an "anything goes" attitude. 

    Sharing anything about Melissa would be incomplete if her beloved Dixie was not included!
     Melissa believes in having a regular updated headshot. So we did just that! I can't tell you the panic that arose when I realized that meant  I  would have to be on the other side of the camera! (Visualize a deep shiver here.) She took the time and gave each of us our own mini- photo shoot. While she was working with each of us, we all hung out and took head shots of each other. 

Here are my headshots of some of the girls: Introducing....

 I love this one of Suzanne.

Kim Thuillez

Turnaround is fair play I suppose. (Groan.) This what I got from the girls:




                                                                      And of course Melissa Jill:

Hmmmm.... which one to use?!?! I wish I had had the time to spend a few minutes to take images with Michelle Boyd, Heather SmithLauren PinsonKaryne Norton, and Amy Kelly for individual shots, and of course Sara Nevels, Melissa's amazing office manager! We came from all over the country and have become lifelong friends. What an amazing group of ladies! We even have our own private page for messaging and keeping in touch! I love that! To end with, here are a few shots of the group: 

 Thanks to Jared Platt for getting this shot of the whole stinking cute, amazing group!

If you are a photographer and are looking to take your business to the next level, or just need a booster on some specific areas of your business, consider an MJ2Day experience of your own!

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