Britany and Jonathan, A Romantic Desert Engagement Session

          She had noticed him a few weeks before and has asked around about him. Then one night, Jonathan asked Britany to two-step. She was so nervous she couldn't keep track of her steps! But the ball was in her court when he flew to Long Beach and she showed him the beach way of life that she had lived and loved. They love to travel. And it was on a flight to New Mexico that Britany had fallen asleep on his lap and he thought, "I really love this girl." Her elegance and his good-naturedness (I think I just made up a word?) make them a dynamic couple. Dynamic can't even begin to describe it when they arrived for their engagement session. Her makeup by Chanel Warwick did not disappoint! These two were on point and I felt like I was along for the ride watching something magical happen right in front of me! They already feel their faith keeps them together through the ups and downs and in-betweens. Together, they can't wait to further their commitment in front of family and friends next year!


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